NLUO | National Law University Odisha
CLAT Code - NLUO | PGCET Code - NLUO NIRF 2023 Ranking: 101-150 rank band NAAC Accredited with A++ Grade
It gives access to the subscribed 95 ebooks in the subject area of ‘Law’ along with open access ebooks available in the platform.
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It gives access to EBC Textbooks, Dictionaries, Legal Interest Books, Manuals, Commentaries, Central Acts & Rules. Additionally, it also gives access to all digital issues of monthly law magazine “The Practical Lawyer” since 2016.
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This is a platform, which gives access to ebooks from large number of different publishers. The books which have been subscribed by the library can only be downloaded and saved for personal use.
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It gives access to the handbooks in the subject areas of ‘Law’ and ‘Criminology & Criminal justice’.
Access: IP Address
It gives access to the subscribed 47 ebooks in the subject area of Management & Political Science along with open access ebooks available in the platform.
Access: IP Address
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